The cause

Supporting brain cancer research

Mr. Clermont, who is currently fighting brain cancer, wishes to mobilize the Quebec firefighters network by symbolically inviting his colleagues to perform 22 consecutive burpees.

Combining physical strength and surpassing oneself, this movement demonstrates the commitment and support emanating from the Quebec firefighters’ brotherhood.

Watch Pierre’s testimonial video here.


  1. Participate and take the Défi des pompiers 2022. By choosing this option, we encourage you to make a donation of $25 or more by clicking on DONATE and selecting your contribution amount. We then invite you to film yourself completing YOUR 22 burpee challenge. Once you have completed the challenge, challenge a firefighter or someone you know by sharing your challenge on your social networks. Invite one of your colleagues or a member of your entourage to do the same to create a chain of mobilization. Don’t forget to identify the Montreal cancer Institute when sharing on your social networks.
  2. Donate and encourage the movement by clicking on the DONATE button and selecting the amount of your contribution.

By choosing one of these options, you are contributing to the advancement of brain cancer research. Every day, researchers at the Institute are working on innovative new treatments and making important discoveries. On behalf of these scientists, thank you for supporting research!

“Glioblastoma is the most common and unfortunately the most aggressive primary brain tumor. The development of new treatments represents a huge challenge, which is why this fundraiser is so important to contribute to brain cancer research.” – Dr. Sarah Lapointe