Volunteer program
Because every gesture counts, volunteer
The Montreal Cancer Institute has a volunteer program that allows everyone to volunteer their time in addition to using their skills. Volunteering for our foundation also means participating in advancing research and helping to find new treatments for cancer. Whether it is to welcome our major donors or to share your know-how, come and help us support our mission. Volunteers are at the very heart of our success!
Volunteering at the Institut du cancer de Montréal means:
- Support the cause of cancer research;
- Get involved as an individual in a spirit of community, accomplish varied and rewarding tasks;
- Use your skills to benefit a great cause and develop others;
- Meet new people and interact with passionate and involved people.
The Institute is committed to its volunteers to provide them with supervised and safe supervision, where everyone’s place is recognized. We are also committed to providing the necessary and relevant information for the accomplishment of the various tasks and to support you in carrying them out.
In return, the volunteer agrees to act with courtesy and honesty. He respects the confidentiality of information transmitted to him and promotes communication conducive to teamwork.
Share your know-how
Organizing committee
The majority of our fundraising events are carried out with the invaluable help of our organizing committees. In fact, accompanied by our events coordinator, each organizing committee helps to make the fundraising a reality through its involvement, where everyone shares their expertise, their skills, their creativity, their know-how, their network and this, to the extent of its capabilities.
If you are interested in getting involved in any of the Institute’s activities, we invite you to complete the form below. It will be our pleasure to contact you to discuss it.
Take part in our events
Volunteer in the field
Whether for our fundraising or recognition events, we always need support to help us fill various positions: reception, ticketing, program delivery, support during silent auctions, help with assembly and disassembly, presence on site to offer logistical support, holding kiosks, sale of promotional items related to the Institute, etc.
* Depending on the type of event, a minimum age requirement may be necessary.
Give some time
One-off volunteering
We always need help with more ad hoc tasks, whether for setting up direct mail, setting up and preparing gift baskets, pre-event preparation and post-event, etc.
Discover our volunteers and their testimonials
“As a student in biomedical sciences at the Université de Montréal, I had the chance to learn a lot about the health system and biomedical research. Indeed, I was able to understand the important role played by the organizations which financially support the researchers and their research teams which make considerable efforts in order to find a cure for the various types of cancer.
In the last few months, I have found myself with a little more time because of the COVID-19 pandemic. So, I decided to get involved and offer my services to organizations that are in need of casual staff. By getting involved with the Institut du cancer de Montréal, I was able to discover the importance of organizational structures that manage fundraising for the benefit of patients and research in order to stem cancer disease. I am very impressed by the number of collaborators from different backgrounds who unite their efforts for this same cause.
Volunteering is always a rewarding and enriching experience, and I am very grateful that the Institute gives me the opportunity to be part of their team of volunteers. I hope I have the chance to continue to help this important cause. ”
Chahinez-Anissa Menaouar
“Being a volunteer is an obligatory part of my work for me because the money raised during all the events organized by the Institut du cancer de Montréal helps us to do very high-level research (purchase of cutting-edge technology devices, etc.) in order to defeat cancer. “
Pamela Thebault
“When I started my graduate studies at CRCHUM, I also joined the Institut du cancer de Montréal. This made me discover the need for me to get involved as a volunteer at the Institute’s fundraising events. These events are essential for funding research projects. In addition, it is very stimulating to be part of the Institute community, because my meetings with donors and patients allow me to identify how my research can greatly improve their quality of life. Being a volunteer at the Institut du cancer de Montréal is also another asset in beating cancer! “
Kayla Simeone