The Institut du cancer de Montréal

Driven by its values ​​of commitment, collaboration, integrity, excellence and entrepreneurship, the Montreal Cancer Institute’s vision is to empower researchers in the Cancer axis of the CRCHUM today. today and tomorrow, to conquer cancer. With its affiliations with the CHUM and the University of Montreal, it enjoys an enviable position in the scientific, medical and business community of Quebec and beyond.

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Major donations and planned donations

A major and planned donation provides essential financial support for the advancement of research. In addition, it concretely supports research that contributes significantly to developing treatments and maintaining the hope of a cure. Ultimately, it improves the well-being of people with this disease.

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Because every gesture counts! The Montreal Cancer Institute has a volunteer program that allows everyone to volunteer their time in addition to using their skills. Volunteering for our foundation also means participating in advancing research and helping to find new treatments for cancer. Whether it is to welcome our major donors or to share your know-how, come and help us support our mission. Volunteers are at the very heart of our success!

Volunteer program